Sunday, 14 August 2016

Dowry and its curse

Dowry  and educated Bengali. The existence of dowry in our society has been a part and parcel of our cultural system. There are four classes in our society and in every class dowry  is in vough in different styles and different forms.

Here is a  similarly between rich and educated  family and a illiterate and poor family. Let us discuss the existing  practice . The first group poor and illiterate .Here cash will be demanded and a cycle and minimum ornaments and dresses of the husband and wife.

The second category is lower middle class where cash , ornaments, furniture and in the name of pranami a good number of sharies  and the dress of husband...

In middle class the practice of dauri is very strong.This  class is very big and educated . Here directly demands are not required to be placed. In middle class families daughter is only one or two and many times the parents are in the job and they spend huge amount for the marriage of their  daughter.
They out of their own spend lavishly and hence no demand is required to be placed.They spend for ornaments, dresses, furniture , sometimes they even present a car .

Rich people spend huge money. Here no demand is required to  placed, the father of the day presents mainly flats , car and ornaments.  Unfortunately there is no sign of reducing the trend of dauri rather it is increasing day by day despite the fact the spread of education has not been able to improve the situation and even the same is in vough among the highly educated people. 

The most funny thing this practice is also  in imperative when the boys and girls marry by their own choice. The boys who marry according to their own selection they may disallow their parents for accepting dauri instead they keep mum and encourage their parents to accept the same.

There is existence of another dangerous sections where the boys are after left politics and ideologically against All social bad   practices and superstition s but  at the time of marriage they surrender to the same. 

Personally I am disappointed and find no sign of remedy in near future.

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