Tuesday, 16 August 2016

A tribute to Amal Datta

Amal Datta the eminent foot ball coach has expired recently.He seems to be the only professional coach. He was an employee of BNR in his first life . He however left the Railway job and permanently accepted the work of  a football coach.

This suggests the unprecedented commitment for football he had. Leaving the secured job of Railway he took the most uncertain and  unsecured  job of football coach.

He had been to England for obtaining  a coaching degree  and he  obtained the same but he had to struggle  hard for the same in England.

He  had a sound knowledge about football and he liked to work with new boys.

He worked as coach in all big clubs.I remember from a  picture of daily news that while he was a Coach of Goa he was cooking himself as he was suffering from Gastritis.
He was  however, involved  in controversies several times.At the same time it can't be denied  that he was out and out a football personality and his life was purely football oriented.

Apart from football he had immense interest in classical music and he used to play  Behala  very good .

In personal life he was the grandson of famous poet Akshay   Kumar Baral  who was a contemporary of Rabindra nath Tagore.

My warmest regards to the Football personality .

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