Sunday, 12 March 2017

Bike accidents and death thereof.

It is very often seen in the newspapers that  due to Bike accident everyday some persons die or get injured .Out of the victims a large section are of  very tender age possibly completed school education and entered into colleges.

But  they become extremely interested for a bike considering the ability of the parents to give a gift for their sons and in most of the cases they are the only son. The sons also after placing the demand start  to pressurise. Ultimately the parents willingly or unwillingly sanction their demands. If the parents play a strict role by rejecting the demands the number of accidents may be reduced. Besides being very young without sufficient training start using the bikes with high speed exceeding the permissible limits resulting in accident.

sufficient trainings start using the bikes with high speed exceeding the permissible limits resulting in accident.

It is my humble request to the appropriate. Authority to be  as strict as possible in these cases in respect licence etc.

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