Friday, 17 March 2017

Bengali in trade and business .

Once Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy constantly advised Bengalis to be involved with business. He himself was the founder of Bengal chemical. Presently a large number of Bengalis have been engaged in Business and their honest labour and sincerity is highly appreciable . In every locality it will be noticed that they have opened medicine shops ,grocery shops along with stationery Sweets and garments etc. I salute them for their enthusiasm and struggle.

They are self dependent and in most of the cases they are maintaining their own families. It may be mentioned that the number of such business men are huge.  I salute them for solving their own unemployment problem.

Apart from them a large section of Bengali young men are engaged in small manufacturing business. A large section are engaged in supply business. Besides a big number are engaged in construction and development work etc.

Besides these there  are so many business where the young Benglis are engaged. I believe if Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy had  been alive he would have been the happiest person for execution of his dream.

It is the fact that no Bengali is possibly engaged in big manufacturing industry but it can't be denied that a large section of Bengali are engaged in big trade like garments and ornaments etc.

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