Sunday, 26 February 2017

We and our private hospitals.

I came to know from  a talk show in electronic media that seventy percent people are treated in Govt Hospitals and the rest thirty percent people are treated in private hospitals. Hence  the existence and necessity of the same can not  be denied in view of the fact a large number of people are treated there.

Now the question is who are they ?

Mainly rich  people , upper middle class and middle class people are being treated in private hospitals and sometimes a section of lower middle class people are compelled to go there due to nonavailability of  seats in  GOVT hospitals.

What  are the allegations against private hospitals ?

To ensure profit Maximisation they apply all malpractices like preparation of inflated bills indicating various medicines and tests which were actually not provided or partly provided. Maximum time their inhuman faces are noticed like without considering the financial status they prefer for abnormally high and unbelievable amount of bills and the same results in financial stake of the patient parties.

The most inhuman faces are noticed in case of death when the bodies are not released until the payments are cleared. This attitude proves their inhuman and cruel character.

Another serious charges against them without sufficient reason is that  many times they transfer the  patients to ICU and ventilation only to earn extra money . The last charge is the most dangerous  even after the death of a patient at ventilation they do not declare dead and continue the dead patient at the ventilation and thus prefers abnormally inflated bills and making huge profit by immoral act .

What are the remedies ? Some remedial measures are likely to  be taken shortly. Of course there are some exceptions .All private hospitals are not using such malpractices and let us hope for the best.

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