Thursday, 23 February 2017

Collection of books and subsequent burden for the same.

Many scholars and book lovers collect huge number of books of different subjects and the same turns into a huge number. They take care for the books. The same are like their children.

Sometimes they face problems in regard to space since enough spaces are needed for keeping such huge books and secondly there are chances of  missing. Many of us are having a tendency to take some books on loan basis but sometimes we forget to return the same. The third problem is very critical. It may  so happen that one or two members may sell some costly books secretly.

The problems start with after the death of the owners of the books. If the children are  reading books  there is no problem.  Otherwise attempts are being taken to donate the same.

But unfortunately many organisations express their unwillingness to accept the same. Recently I have noticed a letter of a son of a famous departed poet stating his disappointments that no organisation is willing to take of huge collection of ten thousand books and he was also worried about his  age.

How to solve the problems?

I think the owners of the books should make arrangements during their lifetime.

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