Monday, 26 February 2018

Our present medical system in Bengal

Unfortunately we have been experiencing a tremendous disappointments in our medical treatment system in Bengali and specifically in kolkata and  surroundings
Firstly fraud doctors.

We came to know the news first from the media. The same has jarked our civilization values culture and our dependence upon the society system and governance . We have been cheated by the fraud doctors days after days . It is not known to us how many lives have been claimed by them .It is beyond our imagination that a good number of them  are practicing as specialist and associated with the noted l private hospitals.

We may conclude with the only views that how unfortunate  are we !Secondly the role of  private hospitals and nursing homes. We are having a common  impression that the same are only rich people . However sometimes lower middle class people are being forced to visit there for not getting any seats  in govt hospitals. There are endless complaints about the most of the private hospitals like inflated bills , Wrong treatment ,Negligence ,Unnecessary application of ventilation and ICU etc .

As regards govt hospitals it may be said that the bulk of the population are being treated in the govt . hospitals and at free of cost. It has however been noticed that the infrastructure have been developed in in govt hospitals still lots to be done  in view of the fact shortage of beds . In some cases two patients are been provided in a single bed and the same   possibly suggest that we are still backward to large extent. It can't be denied  that the present govt has been trying their best with all financial odds .

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