Friday, 14 October 2016

Handwriting of the Physicians (Doctors).

We have many complaints against the Doctors, most of them seem to be genuine but one  important area is fortunately or unfortunately left and the area being very important one namely bad handwriting of the Doctors, of course There are exceptions of the bad handwriting. The handwriting of some doctors are very clean and beautiful. In such cases no problem arises. There is a joke of a  bad  bad handwriting, one newly married Doctor had written a letter from very far place to his wife and his newly married wife despite vigorous exercise could not read even a single line and she expressed the incident to one of her friends and she laughed and advised her to go to one compounder who will be able to read.

Now the question is what are the problems may arise for the bad handwriting ?

Firstly the patient parties may have to go from this shop to that shop , the second being  very risky the Salesmen being unable to read the names of the medicines and serve wrong medicines and taking the same even the patient may die.

In a newspaper I saw that in our country fifty thousand men  die due to wrong medicine, It was also  noticed that Supreme court has  ordered that  the names of the medicines should be written distinctly
  It is the funniest thing and the same is surprising too that the handwriting of the majority of the Doctors are extremely bad and illegible and the Doctors should take the matter seriously since the lives of many people are involved. Apart from this another  important area is  the possibility of taking wrong dose by the patients for being unable to read the same.  Doctors association may play an important role here . They may arrange seminar and make conscious to this effect. This is matter of great regret only for bad handwriting of the Doctors so many lives are sacrificed every year.
   At the time of university convocation when the Doctors assemble there to collect their degree the university may alert them to be careful about handwriting so as to save good many lives.

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