Friday, 16 September 2016

Oppression by school teachers

Oppression by the school teachers . The very caption suggests that the school teachers are primarily responsible for teaching and maintenance of discipline but unfortunately apart from the said duties very frequently they are found to conduct severe oppression on the students. As a result many students die and many get  injured and taken to hospitals,Many students permanently become handicapped.

Previously such news disappointed us very much. Presently the same do not touch us as we have become familiar with these incidents .ln view of the fact the happing of the same having been enhanced considerably
there have been no hue and cry from any corner.

Now let's discuss about the so called teachers. They are totally misfit for this profession. Another important point haunts me whether these so called teachers can earn any prestige from any corner of the society. They can earn only hatred from the society.

The most surprising thing that even after criminal act they are not punished  by the school authority.I don't know whether there is any provision for punishment in such cases.

Immediately government may think to ban physical assault and in case of violation there should be provision of severe punishment for the teachers and all the teachers should be circulated indicating the provisions if they act cruelly on the students.

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